Installation of the first cultivation beds of the Urban Agriculture operation begins
The first steps of the Urban Agriculture operation have been taken. The Lisbon City Council's first cultivation beds were installed on the Factory Lisbon rooftop and planted the first species that will demonstrate the contribution of local production to the sustainability of HCB's food system, as well as the benefits of this implementation on the building's energy consumption.
With a cultivation project developed by Noocity, a Portuguese startup specialized in creating sustainable communities in public or private spaces to promote eco-transition, the first varieties of vegetables and aromatics are already growing in this organic urban garden.
The next steps are already underway. Defining the model for allocating plots of this community garden and its respective regulations will be the basis for, together with the Lisbon City Council, main partner of this living laboratory, allowing neighbors and members of the community installed in Hub Criativo do Beato to be able to enjoy the organic vegetables and fruits that will be grown here, while strengthening human relationships in the community, promoting inclusive social dynamics and investing in healthy eating habits.